
16 Going on Life

….so, in 21 days my sweet boy, Joshua​, will be 16 years old.  To most of you it is just another birthday…ho hum…no big deal, they all grow up, right?  Well, to me it is a very big deal…

Joshua is my only boy and my only child.  He came into my life quite pleasantly and unexpectedly.  When I learned that I was expecting him, I cried with joy.  That joy has over-filled my cup for sixteen years.

He is my comfort…the love of my life…my laughter…my heart…

When I watch him, I find intelligence, depth, a desire to be holy, humor, bluntness, tender-heartedness, wittiness, literalness, zaniness, and sometimes a lack of common sense <smile>.

In 21 days, he will receive his driver’s license and a bit of my heart will go everywhere with him.  However, even that does not make my heart ache more than knowing that in four, very short years he will leave my nest and become his own man.

The thought is bitter-sweet, as I’ve spent the past 16 years preparing him for such a time as this.  Sweet because he has and is becoming everything I ever wanted for him.  Bitter because my job as his care-giver, nurse, decision-maker, confidant and teacher will come to an end.  I will begin to play a different role in his life…

My new role will be friend, sounding board, mother-in-love to his future wife, Mammaw to his children, and I will be his history.  Then, all to soon, the day will come that he will escort me to my grave, as I escorted him into his life…we will say farewell and see you when you arrive Home.  He will weep at my grave and I pray he will look back on our life together and know that….

Joshua’s Momma loved him more than her own life…

In 21 days, my Joshua will be 16….Happy Birthday, Joshua, and I love you…sweet boy!



Joshua and MommyJoshua Smiling 91214


Fresh Mercy and A New Day

I have this beautiful bush growing in my front yard called a “Glory Bush.”  Each morning it bursts forth with such lovely, purple flowers that stretch their petals toward Heaven in an act of worship to the One who created it.  I believe its name is very befitting such a lovely shrub that displays the Glory of our Heavenly Father so radiantly.

Fire bushWhen I first obtained the shrub from a dear friend, I was hugely disappointed when I noticed that the afternoon it began flowering all of the petals dropped off and it appeared to have died.  It was truly pathetic looking and I was sore about the whole deal.  I thought, “Lord, why would you give me something so beautiful and allow me to spend so much time planting it in the right place for it to only die?”

I thought to dig it up, however, I was honestly too upset to even fool with it, so I left it.

fire bush 2The next morning I started out the door and what did my eyes behold…it had flowered all over again…just as beautiful as it had the first time.  Then I heard His still, small voice quietly speak to my heart.  He said, “You asked me, ‘why would you allow the bush to whither at the end of the day?’  It is because, My Daughter, I am also creating a new work in you each day and I want this Glory Bush to be a reminder to you that:

Because of My great love you are not consumed, for My compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is My faithfulness.  Lamentations 3:22,23


I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.  Hebrews 13:5

“You are of far greater worth to me than this flowering shrub…you have been bought with a great price.”

I am thankful for the Lord’s mercies and compassions that will never fail me.  Each morning, as I greet the dawn, I am reminded by a Glory Bush of my Father’s faithfulness and unfailing love.

Matt 6 28 and 29