
The Peril in Looking at the Somedays

How many of us have said, “Someday, I will do this or be that?” How many things have you set aside for the someday? What does that someday look like for you? Someday, when I have finished college, I will have an outstanding career and make a lot of money. Someday, when I get married,…

Spiritual Warfare

By: Dave Talbott Once again, my friend, Pastor Dave Talbott, has given me permission to share his study using the Greek, as a tutor. Please enjoy this study on Spiritual Warfare from him. As with anything he shares with us on Azalea Trees and Tea Rooms, you may print this out and use it in your own study…

Guitar Chords For Hymns and other Christian Music

The guitar chords provided here are a compilation of hymns and other Christian music by “A Servant” who has given permission for them to be shared on my blog. It is the hope of “A Servant” that anyone involved in ministry, mission work, or any other use of winning souls for Christ, download and use…

What Of The Valley?

There are times when life takes us on a long detour and we find ourselves in a dry valley that we’ve not known before…or maybe we have been in that valley too many times. Have you ever found yourself there and wondered why this is happening to you? I have so many times. In fact,…


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Welcome to Azalea Trees and Tea Rooms. I am Tameasa, please sit down with a cup of coffee or tea and join me!
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