
Unveiling the Face of God

O Holy Night is my favorite hymn, Christmas song of all.  I was just listening to it in a video my friend, Wanda​, tagged me in and Dave​ and I both began crying.

There is a veil that shrouds Heaven and because of the veil, we cannot see what is going on in the Heavenlies — but have you ever thought about it??  Journey with me back 2015 years ago — that night that Mary and Joseph found themselves in a stable, and she very large and having contractions.  At last, THE HOPE OF HEAVEN was born and swaddled — not in a beautiful new baby blanket — but truly in His death shroud.

Can you imagine the wonder in Mary’s heart, as she beheld God face-to-face??  I remember when Joshua​ was born and how he smelled like Heaven to me…I would drink him in…he was so beautiful to me.  I can only imagine that in all of Mary’s wonder and awe of swaddling Heaven that she, too, could smell the “scent” of Heaven and was drinking in ALL OF HIS GLORY.

In all of that, I wonder what was happening in the Heavenlies — what is it that we are unable to hear or see through that veil?  I’m certain that the very moment HE was birthed — in pain — in fear — in HOPE — and then…right then…I’m sure a symphony of sound erupted in Heaven unlike anything we’ve ever heard or can imagine!  It probably sounded a bit like this:

“Holy, Holy, Holy!”
“Holy, Holy, Holy!”
“Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord!”

Over and over in perfect harmony — in perfect purity — in perfect adoration!

God — the Great I Am — the Holy Redeemer — the Alpha and Omega — the Holy One of Israel — bridged the gulf that separated us from Himself.

One day that veil will be pinned aside — then, we too, will see the FACE of GOD — we will know how Mary felt that precious night when she held ALL of Heaven — drank in the aroma of Holiness — and then was Redeemed by that precious Baby when He died on Calvary — for now we hold that Redeemer in our hearts — but on that day we will BEHOLD Him face-to-face and it will be perfect!